Use the touch screen, trackball, or keyboard to make a move. Click one king
and then the other king to open a dialog to offer a draw or resign.
Press the menu button to enter the following options menu structure.
New Game:
Starts a new game from the initial board position with white to move.
Because this will discard any game in progress, the user is prompted
YES/NO to confirm first.
Takes back the last played half-move, which is a move by either black or white. When done
after the engine has done its move, this option changes the side-to-move. Taking back
another half-move or switching side will let the computer play the original side again.
Equivalent to the on-screen "←" button.
Switch Sides:
Switches the side played by the computer. For example, if the computer was playing
white and the user was playing black, switching side will let the computer play black and the
user white. This option does not rotate the board. To make sure the user plays from
the bottom, also set the "View From White" option accordingly.
Board Color: Selects various board colors.
Piece Set: Selects various piece sets.
Website: Opens the developer's website.
Checkable Options:
Move Coach: Enables the move coach, which shows all
valid moves for the user during input and highlights each
last played computer move. Also enables an in-check/mate
View From White: Rotates the board such
that white plays from the bottom (when enabled)
or from the top (otherwise).
Auto Rotate Pieces: Automatically rotates the chess
pieces towards the side to move. Useful for over the board
games between two human player games in free play.
Full Screen: Enables full screen mode (without
status bar).
Start Screen: Enables start screen shown when
application is started.
GUI Book: Enables built-in opening book.
Spoken Moves: Enables speech that announces each move.
Ponder On: Enables engine pondering, see UCI and XBoard below.
Hide Engine: Hides the engine's principal variation, see UCI and XBoard below.
Algebraic: Displays the algebraic notation of each square
(lower left square is a1, upper right square is h8).
Annotate: Enables engine annotations in saved or shared PGN games.
Changes the playing strength of the computer.
Auto Play: Lets the computer play both sides for demonstration games. Don't forget
to pick another level again when done, because otherwise the computer
will keep playing both sides when it gets the chance again!
Free Play: Disables computer play. In this level, the game can be used as a "magnetic board"
to study games or play against another human on the same device. If an engine
is imported (see below), this level also activates
infinite analysis.
Time Control: Defines a chess clock for both sides with a choice between the number of
moves between time control (possibly the full game), thinking time per time control,
and an optional time increment per move.
Random: Lets the computer pick a completely arbitrary, but valid move. In this level,
it is extremely easy to win.
Level 1-9: Sets the computer playing strength (higher means stronger at the expense
of longer thinking time, denoted in seconds between parentheses).
Done: exits the options menu.
Long-press anywhere to enter the following extended menu structure.
Game Storage:
Opens a new menu structure with options related to game storage.
Manage SD:
File management is API30 compliant, which requires that the user must
explicitly indicate which directories Chess for Android can access. This
permission only needs to be given once for each relevant directory, i.e.
directories for loading and saving games, but also directories that contain
other chess related contents, such as endgame tablebases or opening books
for use with imported engines.
Save Game to SD:
Saves the current game in PGN (Portable Game Notation) format on the SD card,
using the built-in file management navigation (either as a new file, or
appended to an existing file).
Save Tournament to SD:
Saves any internally saved tournament games, either games between engines or
games played online, in PGN (Portable Game Notation) format
on the SD card, using the built-in file management navigation
(either as a new file, or appended to an existing file).
Load Game from SD:
Loads game in PGN (Portable Game Notation) format from a file on the SD card.
The built-in file management navigation is used to find the required file,
and a pop-up dialog is used to find the individual game within that file.
Filter Game from SD:
Similar to loading a game from SD card, but enables the user to
define a filter (white, black, event, ECO, ELO rating ranges,
result) prior to loading the file. Only games that match the
filter are displayed in the pop-up dialog.
Save Game to Memory:
Saves game in one of eight
available slots in internal memory.
Load Game from Memory:
Loads game from one of eight
available slots in internal memory.
Change Settings:
Opens a dialog that allows changing settings related to game storage.
These settings, which appear in the header of all exported games,
consist of the name and ELO rating of the main player (Self and none
by default) as well as the event name (Chess for Android Game by default).
Opens a new menu structure with options related to the clipboard.
Copy Game as PGN:
Copies a game in PGN (Portable Game Notation) format to the clipboard.
Useful to copy a game somewhere
else, for example, to an email or another chess application.
Copy Position as FEN:
Copies a position in FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) format
to the clipboard. Useful to copy a position somewhere else,
for example, to an email or another chess application.
Copy Position as UNICODE:
Copies a position in a UNICODE board representation.
Copy Engine Analysis:
Copies the most recent engine analysis (if available)
to the clipboard.
Paste Game from PGN:
Pastes a game in PGN format from the clipboard.
Useful to paste a game from another chess application.
Paste Position from FEN:
Pastes a position in FEN format from the clipboard.
Useful to paste a position from a chess puzzle or another
chess application.
Share Game:
Opens a new menu structure with options related to sharing or retrieving a game.
Since several programs may be able to open the given format while sharing,
the user is prompted what application should be used
(with an option to use that application 'Always' or 'Just once').
Share Game as PGN:
Shares a game in PGN (Portable Game Notation) format. Useful to share a game directly with
another application, for example, email or another chess application.
Share Position as FEN:
Shares a position in FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) format
to the clipboard. Useful to share a position directly with
another application, for example, email or another chess application.
Share Position as UNICODE:
Shares a position in a UNICODE board representation.
Share Engine Analysis:
Shares the most recent engine analysis (if available) in text format.
Retrieve Position:
Retrieves a position from a chess OCR application (if installed).
Position Setup:
Opens a dialog that enables the user to setup a chess position.
Connect to e-Board:
Opens a dialog for connecting the GUI to an electronic chessboard.
This dialog gives a choice between connecting to a
House of Staunton,
DGT, or
Millennium board.
The View from White option selects an initial orientation (this can later be changed
by setting up the initial position on the electronic chessboard with white at the desired side).
The Steady LEDs option selects between exclusively using steady LEDs or allowing blinking LEDs
for the Millennium. For the other boards, this option enables or disables LEDs.
When a DGT3000 chess clock is attached, the Clock Beep option enables a beep
after each played move and the Clock Timer option synchronizes the timings with the GUI chess clock.
Always make sure that the DGT3000 chess clock is set to "computer use" (option 25; when this option
still blinks press the rightmost clock button to finalize the setting).
Finally, on the Millennium, the slider can be used to control the brightness of the LEDs (the Supreme
Tournament 55 board also allows changing the brightness through the logo on the actual board).
UCI and XBoard:
Opens a new menu structure related to the Universal Chess Interface (UCI)
and Chess Engine Communication Protocol (often simply called the XBoard or
WinBoard protocol). This is an advanced option for chess hobbyists that
want to replace the built-in Java chess engine with more powerful third
party engines. Engines are imported in Android Open Exchange format (OEX),
in Android Chessbase compatible format, or directly from SD card.
Users can either play an imported engine directly, use infinite
analysis to study games, or even run tournaments between engines
(UCI and XBoard Protocols for Android and
Android chess engines tournaments).
Install Engine from SD (when allowed):
Opens a navigation window for the SD card. Selecting an
engine copies the binary to internal memory. This only
has to be done once for each new engine. This feature is no longer
allowed for API29 and up. Note that Android Chessbase
compatible engines that are installed on the same device do
not need this step. Such engines are directly available for import.
This feature works even for the latest APIs
Uninstall Engines:
Opens a selection window with all installed engines. Checking
one or more engines will remove the selected binaries from
internal memory when the window is closed again. Note that
"clearing data" of Chess for Android in the regular Android
application manager uninstalls all engines.
Clear Options:
Opens a selection window with all installed engines. Checking
one or more engines will clear any previously saved options
for the selected engines.
Import Engine:
Opens a selection window with installed engines that can
replace the built-in Java chess engine. During a first-time import,
an options window allows the user to set engine options (e.g. hash table size,
number of threads, limit ELO, opening book, and endgame tablebases
Nalimov, Gaviota, Scorpio, or Robbobases). The selected
options are saved and used during the next import (use clear
options to reset the selection and force opening the options
window again). Importing the Chess for Android engine
unloads any previously imported engine. Note that for API30 and up,
the user must first give explicit permission to access directories
with chess related contents such as endgame tablebases and opening books
(see Manage SD under Game Storage). The engine set up shows all open
paths as a drop down menu (which saves typing the full path, as was needed
in older versions).
Engine Tournament:
Starts a round-robin (all against all) or gauntlet (one against all)
tournament between two or more engines,
selected in an invite engines window. In the drop down list, the user chooses between
pair-wise matches of either 10 games with random opening lines from the
built-in book, 100 games from both sides of 50 pre-selected opening lines
from the built-in book, or all games from both sides of an external book in
PGN format, such as the famous "Nunn Positions" or
"Silver Opening Suite". A previously interrupted tournament can be
resumed as well. To save tournament managers time playing out obvious
drawn, won, or lost games, the adjudication feature can be used:
Draw adjudication: if after the given move number, and during the given
move count, the score computed by both engines drops below the given
score (in cp), the game is adjudicated as a draw.
Resign adjudication: if after the given move number, and during the given
move count, the score computed by both engines exceeds the given
score (in cp) either consistently for white or for black,
the game is adjudicated as a won for the engine that is ahead.
Each engine plays with previously saved options
(the option windows will pop up once for each engine without saved
options). After the tournament, engines are unloaded. All games
of the tournament annotated with engine analysis are saved internally
by Chess for Android, and can be saved to SD card using the Save
Tournament to SD option explained above.
Ponder On:
Enables pondering (thinking during opponent's time).
This feature is also referred to as permanent brain.
A related, but slightly different feature,
called infinite analysis, is enabled by selecting
free play (see above).
Hide Engine:
Hides the engine's principal variation (expected moves
with replies) from the user. This mode is useful during
regular play when the user does not want to know what
the opponent is thinking.
Cleanup Logs:
Removes log files that are generated by some engines
(this avoids cluttering the engines list)
The following on-screen buttons are used for game navigation.
While navigating a game, moves following the current position
are greyed out in the notation window.
Takes back the last played half-move, as described
above for "Undo". During regular play this is either the
last played user move when the engine is thinking
or vice versa. If not at end-of-game, this action
discards all following moves as well.
Navigates to the beginning of the game. Ignored while
the engine is thinking.
Navigates one half-move back in the game. Ignored while
the engine is thinking.
Navigates one half-move forward in the game. If the
engine is thinking, this button forces the engine
to move immediately. If at end-of-game, switches side
as described above.
Navigates to the end of the game. Ignored while
the engine is thinking.
After each engine's move, the output [d/s]eval indicates a
search depth d, a selective search depth s, and
an evaluation in centipawns eval from the engine's perspective
(this changed compared to older versions). For instance, if the engine is playing white,
the output [4/8]-103 indicates that the engine searched 4 plies ahead,
with some variations even 8 plies ahead,
and the engine thinks that black is ahead by about a pawn.
Use the touch screen or trackball to make a move.
Press the menu button to enter the following options menu structure.
New Game:
Starts a new game from the initial board position with black to move.
Because this will discard any game in progress, the user is prompted YES/NO to confirm first.
Takes back the last played half-move, which is a move by either black or white. This
also changes the side-to-move. Taking back another half-move or switching side will
let the computer play the original side again.
Switch Side:
Switches the side played by the computer. For example, if the computer was playing
white and the user was playing black, switching side will let the computer play black and the
user white. This option does not rotate the board. To make sure the user plays from
the bottom, also set the "View From White" option accordingly.
Board Color: Selects various board colors.
Piece Set: Selects various piece sets.
Website: Opens the developer's website.
Checkable Options:
Move Coach: Enables the move coach, which shows all valid moves for the user
and highlights each last played move.
Optional Jumps: Makes jumps optional. Mandatory jumps are the official checkers
rules which add to the beauty of the game. Nevertheless, by popular demand,
the option to turn of forced captures was added.
View From White: Rotates the board (independent of what side the computer is playing).
Full Screen: Enables full screen mode (without the status bar).
Start Screen: Enables the start screen shown when the application is started.
Piece Animation: Enables a simple animation of played and captured pieces.
Algebraic: Displays the algebraic notation of each square
(32 down to 1 going row-wise left to right, top to bottom).
Sound: Enables speech that announces each move.
Changes the playing strength of the computer.
Free Play: Disables computer play. In this level, the game can be used as a "magnetic board"
to study games or play against another human on the same device.
Random: Lets the computer pick a completely arbitrary, but valid move. In this level,
it is extremely easy to win.
Level 1-10: Sets the computer playing strength (higher means stronger at the expense
of longer thinking time, denoted in seconds between parentheses).
Done: exits the options menu.
Long-press anywhere to enter the following extended menu structure.
Opens a new menu structure with options related to the clipboard.
Copy Game as PDN:
Copies a game in PDN (Portable Draughts Notation) format to the clipboard.
Useful to copy a game somewhere
else, for example, to an email or another checkers application.
Copy Position as FEN:
Copies a position in FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) format
to the clipboard. Useful to copy a position somewhere else,
for example, to an email or another checkers application.
Paste Position from FEN:
Pastes a position in FEN format from the clipboard.
Useful to paste a position from a checkers puzzle or another
checkers application.
Share Game:
Opens a new menu structure with options related to sharing or retrieving a game.
Since several programs may be able to open the given format while sharing,
the user is prompted what application should be used
(with an option to use that application 'Always' or 'Just once').
Share Game as PDN:
Shares a game in PDN (Portable Draughts Notation) format with another application.
Useful to share a game directly with another application, for example,
email or another checkers application.
Share Position as FEN:
Shares a position in FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) format
to the clipboard. Useful to share a position directly with
another application, for example, email or another
checkers application.
Position Setup:
Opens a dialog that enables the user to setup a checkers position.
Connect to e-Board:
Opens a dialog for connecting the GUI to an electronic checkers board
The following on-screen buttons are used for game navigation.
While navigating a game, moves following the current position
are greyed out in the notation window.
Takes back the last played half-move, as described
above for "Undo". During regular play this is either the
last played user move when the engine is thinking
or vice versa. If not at end-of-game, this action
discards all following moves as well.
Navigates to the beginning of the game. Ignored while
the engine is thinking.
Navigates one half-move back in the game. Ignored while
the engine is thinking.
Navigates one half-move forward in the game. If the
engine is thinking, this button forces the engine
to move immediately. If at end-of-game, switches side
as described above.
Navigates to the end of the game. Ignored while
the engine is thinking.
After each engine's move, the output v=value d=depth n=nodes
indicates the evaluation value from white's perspective,
the search depth, and the number of searched nodes, respectively.
Use the touch screen, trackball, or keyboard to make a move.
Press the menu button to enter the following options menu structure.
New Game:
Starts a new game from the initial board position with black to move.
Because this will discard any game in progress, the user is prompted YES/NO to confirm first.
Takes back the last played half-move, which is a move by either black or white. This
also changes the side-to-move. Taking back another half-move or switching side will
let the computer play the original side again.
Switch Side:
Switches the side played by the computer. For example, if the computer was playing
white and the user was playing black, switching side will let the computer play black and the
user white.
Board Color: Selects various board colors.
Piece Set: Selects various piece sets.
Website: Opens the developer's website.
Checkable Options:
Move Coach: Enables the move coach, which shows all valid moves for
the user as ghost stones and highlights each last played piece.
Key Labels: Labels valid moves with keys (useful for keyboard input).
Board Gradient: Enables a gradient effect on the board.
Full Screen: Enables full screen mode (without the status bar).
Start Screen: Enables the start screen shown when the application is started.
Piece Animation: Enables a simple animation of placed and rotated pieces.
Algebraic: Displays the algebraic notation of each square
(upper left square is a1, lower right square is h8).
Sound: Enables speech that announces each move.
Changes the playing strength of the computer.
Free Play: Disables computer play. In this level, the game can be used as a "magnetic board"
to study games or play against another human on the same device.
Random: Lets the computer pick a completely arbitrary, but valid move. In this level,
it is extremely easy to win.
Level 1-10: Sets the computer playing strength (higher means stronger at the expense
of longer thinking time, denoted in seconds between parentheses).
Done: exits the options menu.
Long-press anywhere to enter the following extended menu structure.
Copy Game:
Copies a game to the clipboard.
Share Game:
Shares a game with another application.
Connect to e-Board:
Opens a dialog for connecting the GUI to an electronic reversi board
The following on-screen buttons are used for game navigation.
While navigating a game, moves following the current position
are greyed out in the notation window.
Takes back the last played half-move, as described
above for "Undo". During regular play this is either the
last played user move when the engine is thinking
or vice versa. If not at end-of-game, this action
discards all following moves as well.
Navigates to the beginning of the game. Ignored while
the engine is thinking.
Navigates one half-move back in the game. Ignored while
the engine is thinking.
Navigates one half-move forward in the game. If the
engine is thinking, this button forces the engine
to move immediately. If at end-of-game, switches side
as described above.
Navigates to the end of the game. Ignored while
the engine is thinking.
After each engine's move, the output v=value d=depth n=nodes
indicates the evaluation value from white's perspective,
the search depth, and the number of searched nodes, respectively.