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Aart Bik's Android Application Manuals

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Chess for Android Manual

Use the touch screen, trackball, or keyboard to make a move. Click one king and then the other king to open a dialog to offer a draw or resign. Press the menu button to enter the following options menu structure. [EBOARD] Long-press anywhere to enter the following extended menu structure. The following on-screen buttons are used for game navigation. While navigating a game, moves following the current position are greyed out in the notation window. [CHESS_NAV] After each engine's move, the output [d/s]eval indicates a search depth d, a selective search depth s, and an evaluation in centipawns eval from the engine's perspective (this changed compared to older versions). For instance, if the engine is playing white, the output [4/8]-103 indicates that the engine searched 4 plies ahead, with some variations even 8 plies ahead, and the engine thinks that black is ahead by about a pawn.

Checkers for Android

Use the touch screen or trackball to make a move. Press the menu button to enter the following options menu structure. Long-press anywhere to enter the following extended menu structure. The following on-screen buttons are used for game navigation. While navigating a game, moves following the current position are greyed out in the notation window. [CHECKERS_NAV] After each engine's move, the output v=value d=depth n=nodes indicates the evaluation value from white's perspective, the search depth, and the number of searched nodes, respectively.

Reversi for Android

Use the touch screen, trackball, or keyboard to make a move. Press the menu button to enter the following options menu structure. Long-press anywhere to enter the following extended menu structure. The following on-screen buttons are used for game navigation. While navigating a game, moves following the current position are greyed out in the notation window. [REVERSI_NAV] After each engine's move, the output v=value d=depth n=nodes indicates the evaluation value from white's perspective, the search depth, and the number of searched nodes, respectively.

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