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Aart J.C. Bik (a.k.a. Arjan Bik) was born in Gouda, The Netherlands. He received his high school diploma (Gymnasium Beta) in 1987, in Gouda. In 1988, he finished his propaedeutical exam in computer science (cum laude) and he received the MSc degree in computer science (cum laude) from the Utrecht University in 1992. He received his PhD degree from the Leiden University in 1996. During his PhD research under supervision of prof. dr. H.A.G. Wijshoff, Aart designed and implemented the sparse compiler MT1. His PhD thesis received the C.J. Kok Award (outstanding thesis award).
In 1996 and 1997, Aart was a post-doctoral researcher at the Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, where he researched high-performance Java under supervision of prof. dr. D.B. Gannon. This research resulted in the implementation of JAVAR (a prototype Java restructuring compiler) and JAVAB (a prototype bytecode parallelization tool).
In January 1998, Aart started at the Microcomputer
Research Laboratories of Intel Corporation
in Santa Clara, California, working on Java
JIT compilation. In 1999, he transferred to the Software and
Solutions Group, where he was the lead compiler architect of
automatic vectorization in the Intel C++/Fortran
compilers for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
In March 2002, Aart received the Intel Achievement Award
(highest company award) for making the Streaming SIMD Extensions
easy to use through automatic vectorization. He published
two books on vectorization.
In April 2005, he was promoted to Principal Engineer.
In May 2007, Aart moved to Google Inc. in Mountain View, California, where he has worked on Pregel, a distributed system for large-scale graph computations. Aart co-authored the paper "Pregel: A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing", which won the 2020 ACM SIGMOD Test of Time Award. Aart also worked in Google[x] on the GDK (Glass Development Kit), on the optimizing compiler for ART (Android Runtime), where he received the 2017 Google Silver Perfy Award for his work on SIMDization in the ART compiler, on the Dart VM and compiler, and on the MLIR compiler, where he revamped his old passion for vectorization and compiler support for sparse computations while working on a new passion for machine learning, which resulted in the MLIR Sparsifier.
In September 2024, Aart started an exciting new position as Distinguished Software Engineer at Nvidia.